The boot manager simply for everyone!  
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New in Boot-US 4.2.0

  1. True hiding of ESP partitions in UEFI boot manager
  2. Selection of the target ESP partition when installing the UEFI boot manager
Boot-US new functions 4.2.0

New in Boot-US 4.1.7

  1. Save partitions/disks as VHD/VHDX file
Boot-US new functions 4.1.7

New in Boot-US 4.1.5

  1. Dialogs are resizeable
Boot-US new functions 4.1.5

New in Boot-US 4.1.3

  1. Support for mouse/touch screen in UEFI boot manager
Boot-US new functions 4.1.3

New in Boot-US 4.1.0

  1. True hididng of EFI system partition allows multiple Windows installation on one disk
  2. Change, save and restore of UEFI variables
Boot-US new functions 4.1.0